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Thursday, August 20, 2009

Day 8 ~ Not A Happy One! - Wednesday

As of yesterday morning (forgot to post yesterday-Wednesday) I had completed one full week of the HCG diet weight loss program.

Well, it didn't end on a good note! When I weighed...I was up 1 lb.!!! I was so frustrated because I knew that I hadn't cheated and was so disappointed. Add that I still didn't feel good on top of that and I wasn't a happy person most of the day yesterday. My ear is still stopped up and hurting and I'm back on my antibiotics/decongestants...did that have any affect on my weight loss?

I asked that very question when my support who called for my morning weight. Actually, they called me on Tuesday but I was tied up and had to call them back yesterday morning. So the weight that they asked for was from Tuesday not Wednesday. Thank goodness.

I told her about the weight gain and we discussed possibilities for the increase. We discussed the new medicine that I am on, lack of sleep and increase in the salt in my diet.

I am trying to make some changes in the sleep and decrease the salt intake and see how things go tomorrow (Thursday). As for the new medicine, she said it takes a couple of days for the HCG to recognize the new stuff in my system and accept it. Ok...I'm taking her word for it and not quitting the meds like I want to. However, I already have a hearing loss in my left ear, which is the ear that is giving me I can't lose the rest of the hearing for a few can I? If it isn't better by Friday then I'm going to the doctor.

I will share more about what I can and can't eat, as well as, the strictness of this plan on my Day 9 post.

Keeping my fingers crossed for a better tomorrow.

1 comment:

  1. Sweetie, please do not be so hard on yourself. It is just 1 pound, your weight does not define who you are. I love you, you are doing great.


Thank you in advance for all the words of encouragement as I travel this journey to a healthier me! Love you all!